American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - 2009

During one of the worst economic periods in the United States history, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was passed by Congress on February 13, 2009.  The goal was to create and save jobs, jump start the American economy and make the government more accountable for their spending.  One of the ways these tasks were to be achieved was through increasing the education, health care and entitlement programs funding by $224 billion.  As of  August 5, 2010, $89 billion in grants were awarded from the Education aspect of the Recovery Act.  Some programs that were directly affected that are higher education related were the Federal Pell Grants, Federal Work Study Program and the Student Aid Administration.  

President Obama signing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

1 comment:

  1. The goal was to create and save jobs, jump start the American economy and make the government more accountable for their spending. Sober Companion
