Truman Commission Report - 1947

With the GI Bill in full force, veterans were going to college but the higher education system struggled with handling the increase.  Truman stepped in and in the summer of 1946 came up with the Presidential Commission on Higher Education.  Headed by George F. Zook and with the help of 28 other educators, the goal was to, "reexamine our system of higher education in terms of its objectives, methods and facilities; and in the light of the social role it has to play," said Truman.  The Commission put out six volumes which were entitled:

Volume I: Establishing the Goals
Volume II: Equalizing and Expanding Individual Opportunity
Volume III: Organizing Higher Education
Volume IV: Staffing Higher Education
Volume V: Financing Higher Education
Volume VI: Resource Data

This also marked the first time that the federal government created a committee to examine the state of the United States education system (Kim, D & Rury, J, 2007)

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