Manpower Development Training Act, Vocational Education Act, Higher Education Facilities Act - 1962 & 1963

  • The Manpower Development and Training Act of 1962 endeavored to train and retrain thousands of workers unemployed because of automation and technological change (Kreman, 1974).
  •  The Vocational Education Act of 1963 set forth expansion and redirection of vocational education aiming to enroll a larger proportion of the baby boom generation moving through the educational system to improve the training available to them ( Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, 2005).
  • Also known as the Morse-Green Bill, the Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963 provided funding for the expansion and upgrades of facilities to enable "many more of our young people to cope with the explosion of new knowledge and to contribute effectively in a world of intellectual, political, and economic complexity" (Johnson, L. 1963)

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